vision : I'm a person that loves; lives; learns and builds my story through the exercise of principles, my faith and my mission is to make a difference in the life of people... principles: love, courage, truth, peace, trust, integrity, contribution... roles : christian, husband, relative, systems engineer, athlete, friend, citizen individual, scholar

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Wednesday, January 11, 2006

This photo reminds me of people selling ice tea in is just delicious to have ice tea in Rio...specially at 100 degrees F. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oi Ricardo! Oi Damaris!
Como vou me esquecer?! Também adoro tomar mate na praia. E lembra que cada vendedor tem o seu "slogan" sonoro: "Biscoito, limão e mate... Biscoito limão e mate" e outros. É muito legal!

7:44 AM


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